Over the Edge

Letter from Ngaire on board RMS Rangitane II en route to England, 4th June 1958
As you know, we are not very narrow-minded, but the drinking on this ship is over the edge.’

It’s true: Ngaire wasn’t very narrow-minded, but she did have very firm ideas, particularly in regard to how people ought to behave. I’m not sure what prompted this particular observation but perhaps, as a teetotalling Methodist lady, she was beginning to find all the dinners, parties and pirates a bit too much…

31st May
This evening was the Fancy Dress ball. I went with a group of seven ‘girls’ who were captured by a pirate, the pirate being a Mr. Clinton who has a black bushy beard turning grey.’

While Ngaire didn’t drink, she did like to Do Things Properly, which must be why she had this clipping in her recipe book.

I’ve had cider on my mind today. Not how to serve it (in any sort of pretty glass I think or, if someone insisted on giving you one for your 21st, a hideous pewter mug) but how to make it.

Mum and Dad have picked the rest of a bumper crop of Fuji apples at their farm but unfortunately they’ve been affected by Black Spot this year (the apples, not my parents as far as I know). We’ll still stew and freeze some, but there’ll be a lot left over so tomorrow I’m going out in search of a cider press.

All advice on cider-making gratefully received!

(Postcard from the Rangitane found at ssmaritime.com)